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What Is EMDR and How Can It Help You in Your Own Journey

Writer: Your Story CounsellingYour Story Counselling

Updated: Mar 7, 2024


About 60% of Canadians claim to experience mental health struggles. Are you currently struggling with your mental health?

Seeking treatment may be the best thing you can do for yourself. That said, there are so many options, and it's hard to figure out which one is right.

We're here to talk about EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), one of the more popular forms of therapy. Read on to learn more.

First: What Is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR therapy is a type of psychotherapy that's been gaining more popularity as more and more people discover how effective it can be.

It's a relatively new form of therapy that first started being practiced in the 1980s. In theory, it reduces symptoms of trauma by helping the patient process and resolve unprocessed trauma and change how they store traumatic memories in the brain.

This type of therapy uses bilateral stimulation. That means stimulation on both sides of your body. Generally speaking, it comes in the form of lights or sounds, but some psychotherapists will also have patients tap their shoulders instead.

What Happens During an EMDR Consulting Therapy Session?

During the first EMDR therapy session, the patient and therapist work together to construct a mind map of memories that are contributing to the patient's distress. It's generally in the form of a timeline, but some therapists will move around the timeline rather than do everything in consecutive order.

During each EMDR consulting therapy session, the therapist will make sure the patient is in a comfortable place. The session will focus on one specific memory. The patient will not have to speak in detail about the memory, but the therapist will ask them to hold it in their mind.

The bilateral stimulation will begin. As the patient considers the memory, their brain will split its focus between the stimulation and the memory itself. This can soften the intensity of the memory so the patient has more "room" to process it without intense negative emotions.

If a patient gets overstimulated, the session can pause. Generally, patients and therapists work together to think of a mental "safe place" to go when the patient is no longer capable of continuing with the session.

At the end of the session, the patient will "close" the memory and calm themselves so they're ready to go about their day.

EMDR sessions can be intense and emotional. They're hard work, but they're also worthwhile.

Who Can Benefit from EMDR Consulting Therapy?

EMDR Therapy

So who should try EMDR therapy?

EMDR is most popular for people with post-traumatic stress disorder or complex post-traumatic stress disorder. However, anyone who has ever experienced trauma, no matter how "insignificant," can benefit from it.

EMDR can be helpful who are experiencing (among other things):

  • Complex long-term grief

  • Anxiety

  • Phobias

  • Disassociative disorders

  • Personality disorders

  • Depression

  • Eating disorders

  • Addiction

You can also use EMDR concurrently with other types of therapy, such as talk therapy, as well as medication management.

Is EMDR Right for You?

EMDR is a powerful form of psychotherapy that's incredibly beneficial for people who are recovering from trauma. If you think that EMDR might be the right type of therapy for you, we'd love to meet you.

At Your Story Counselling, we aim to guide all of our patients through their complex healing journeys. Through techniques like somatic experiencing, brainspotting, EMDR, and more, we help our patients thrive.

Contact us to learn about our 15-minute consultations and start your healing journey today.

Want to learn more about EMDR? Check out this video!

Do any of these key points resonate with you? Think you might benefit from EMDR consulting therapy?

EMDR Therapy

We understand that seeking help can be scary, but we believe that everyone deserves a chance at a happy and healthy future.

Our therapist is trained to help couples communicate effectively, understand each other's needs, and work towards a shared understanding of what their relationship means to them, we're here to help.

So if you're ready to take the first step towards a stronger, healthier relationship with yourself, reach out to us for help today. Remember, it's never too late to seek help, and you and your partner deserve the best possible chance at happiness.

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Learn more about our EMDR Clinicians 

Alana Sham
 Judy Lui


Your Story Counselling Services offers free 15-minute no-obligation consultations as well as full sessions at a low cost.

We also have a full team of experts including psychotherapists, therapist interns, and more.

Overcoming Your Anxiety With a Psychotherapist

To learn more about EMDR therapy near you and to book an appointment with us here.



What is EMDR therapy, and how does it work?

EMDR therapy stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy. It is a psychotherapy approach that helps individuals process traumatic experiences. It works by using bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or taps, to facilitate the brain's natural healing process.

What are the typical goals or outcomes of EMDR therapy?

The typical goals of EMDR therapy include reducing the distress associated with traumatic memories, resolving negative beliefs, and fostering adaptive coping mechanisms. The outcomes may include decreased symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), improved emotional well-being, and enhanced self-esteem.

Who can benefit from EMDR therapy?

EMDR therapy can benefit individuals who have experienced traumatic events, such as abuse, accidents, or combat trauma. It is also used for various mental health conditions, including PTSD, anxiety, phobias, depression, and addictions.


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